Magic Tree House Library Books 1-28
商品訊息簡述: top 本套書含Magic Tree House 1-28集平裝讀本及伴讀海報 Magic Tree House神奇樹屋讀本系列,描述的是一對小兄妹傑克與安妮的冒險故事。哥哥傑克理性、冷靜,喜歡看書,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮則喜愛幻想與冒險,並且勇於嘗試。這兩個個性截然不同的兄妹,偶然在森林裡發現了一座堆滿書的樹屋,這座神奇的樹屋就像時光機器,帶他們到許多不同的時空中旅行。於是,兄妹倆來到史前時代的恐龍谷、和騎士探訪中古世紀的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的祕密、跟著海盜出海尋寶,每一次的冒險都緊張刺激、精采得不得了!現在就跟著傑克與安妮穿越不同時空,來段驚險有趣的旅程吧!+ Magic Tree House讀本系列淺顯易懂,對話簡單口語化,能夠讓小朋友透過有趣的故事,融入書中的情境,在閱讀中增進英語能力;當然,喜歡冒險刺激故事的大朋友也很適合喔!+ Magic Tree House Library包括1-28集平裝讀本及一張小型伴讀海報,小朋友可以在海報上作紀錄,看看自己和傑克與安妮造訪過哪些國家、去過哪些歷史時空!作者簡介瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne) 美國知名兒童文學作家,北卡羅萊納大學主修戲劇與比較宗教學。喜愛不同文化的她,畢業之後,曾到世界各地去旅行。寫作至今已30年,作品超過80本以上,曾獲得許多獎項,而且擔任過兩屆的美國作家協會主席。+ 《神奇樹屋》系列書籍自出版以來,廣受歡迎,至今全球已有34種版本,銷售量超過5,300萬冊,而且無論在什麼地方,都受到家長和教師的熱烈推薦。而奧斯本女士也因為《神奇樹屋》系列書籍,榮獲藍燈書屋的終身成就獎和美國教育平裝書協會的勒丁頓紀念獎。+ Mary Pope Osborne is the author of many novels, picture books, story collections, nonfiction books, and chapter books—including all of the Magic Tree House books, which have been translated into numerous languages around the world. She works with her husband, Will, and her sister, Natalie, on the nonfiction companion series, Magic Tree House Research Guides. Here’s what she has to say about writing for children: “I’m one of those very lucky people who absolutely loves what they do for a living. There is no career better suited to my eccentricities, strengths, and passions than that of a children’s book author.”+ Sal Murdocca has illustrated over 200 children’s books and textbooks. He is also a librettist for a children’s opera, a video artist, an avid runner, hiker, and bicyclist, and a teacher of children’s illustration at the Parsons School of Design. He has illustrated all of the Magic Tree House books and all of the Magic Tree House Research Guides. Sal and his wife split their time between New York and France. ★本系列中譯本由小天下出
Magic Tree House Library Books 1-28
- Jun 09 Mon 2014 20:55
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